Ngamer310's top 10 pet peeves about Yu-gi-oh


Hey, my name is Taylor, and I am a big of Yu-gi-oh and Pojo alike.  I attend a local Books-A-Million and Sports Bench once a week for Yu-gi-oh tournaments and the like.  I've been playing since the days of Metal Raiders, and over time, I have accumulated quite a lot of things that just bug me about Yu-gi-oh.  Here they are, 10 to 1.


10. Holo Cards.

      First of all, what's the point?  Does making it shiny increase its playability somehow?  I swear, if some very underrated cards were made into super rares, etc...they would be used much more often.  But then again, that's just my opinion.


9.  Duel Discs.

     $20 for something that slows down duels.  Little kids go around with their 90+ card decks trying to fit them into the duel disc, and then acting out scenes from the anime.  It is an insult to all duelists.


8.  Euphamisms.

     This may not be to common with most people, but where I go, everybody uses euphamisms relating to Yu-gi-oh.  "You don't have a Gaia's chance in a tournament against him" and such other phrases should be left at fanboy message boards.


7.  Ripping off others in trades.

     This should be much higher up on the list, because not only does it bug me, its WRONG!  No one should take advantage of anybody else, especially younger kids.  One time, I saw someone take a sharpie and write "Yugi" on the back of a Dark Magician Card and said that Yugi really signed it, and traded it to a kid for about $50 worth of cards.  No joke.


6.  Stealing.

     This is just as wrong, if not moreso than number 7.  When I first got into Yu-gi-oh, I was foolish, and I let somebody take a look at my cards, and walked away for a moment to talk to someone else.  10 seconds later, I come back, and he hands me my deck.  I later realize that he stole not only my barrel dragon, but my Tri-horned dragon that I spent months saving up money to buy from a card shop.


5.  Newbs

     I admit, I was a newb at one point, and if you're reading this, you were once also.  When you first get into any game, whether it be Yu-gi-oh or something else, you are going to be a bit foolish.  Whether it be thinking you know everything, or knowing nothing whatsoever, you will be made fun of, sometimes even ripped off or stolen from.  Sooner or later, you will mature and get out of that stage of newb-ishness.  (I apologize if this is starting to sound like a conversation about puberty)


4.  Overrated Cards.

     Whether it be Chaos Emperor Dragon, or Yata Garasu, one thing that bugs me is people constantly praising certain cards.  What some people think is the greatest thing since sliced bread may be useless to someone else, or vice-versa.  Not everybody has the same opinions as one another.


3.  Underrated Cards.

     What bugs me even more than overrated cards, is underrated cards.  People have become caught up in fads, staples, and stereotypes in decks, that no one is having fun with the game.  I run a Dragon deck, and I try to make a zombie/fiend deck, because I've always liked dragons since I was little, and I've been obsessed with the idea of the supernatural (ghosts, vampires, zombies, etc...but not that I actually believe in such things).  The purpose of the game is to have fun, not to stereotype your deck until its the same as the person's who last won the biggest tournament.


2.  People who spend moolah bucks on cards.

     I can't stand it when somebody who spends $70+ a month on cards (and trust me, I know some people who do) comes up and whoops you just because they can buy every card there is.  I make my money by doing odd jobs, mowing lawns, running errands, etc. and I spend about $10 a month on cards, depending on how I feel.  The point is, I don't think its fair that you can make a better deck, depending on how much money you have.  I think the game should be based on strategy, not how fat your wallet is.


And the number 1 pet peeve of mine about Yu-gi-oh is...(drumroll please........ah, heck, I'll just tell you.)


1.  People who yell their moves when playing.

     Where I play, there are many kids who yell their moves like in the T.V. show.  They yell "I'll place one card face down, and summon my Blue Eyes White Dragon.  Now, Blue Eyes, White Lightning Attack!"  I'm serious, I know people who do this, and I refuse to duel them, because it seems like I'm playing John Madden at a football video game, like its a life and death situation.  Geez, get a life.



Questions?  Comments?  Arguments?  Feel free to e-mail me at  Again, my name is Taylor Daine, and I live in Indiana.