J's Top 10 Traps



Top 10 Traps




#10Torrential Tribute    It can save you to some extent but it destroys your monsters as well. Not good if your opponent has a reborn card in their hand or on thre field.

#9Trap Jammer    Negates the effect of a trap during the battle phase at no cost. Scince every body or almost everybody uses mirror, magic cylinder ect. this card is very useful.

#8Magic Cylider   The only downside with magic cylinder is thet it only negates one attck. but on the other hand it has the potential to deal some sizeable damage.

#7Ring of destruction    The main use of this card is to wait for your opponent to get a good monster on the field and ring it. sure you take damage but your opponent gets the worst of it due to the fact that they take damage at the cost of thier monster.

#6Drop off   if you and your opponent are top decking this card can be devestating

#5Judgement of anubis    This cards main use is to protect your magic and trap cards.

#4Imperial order    this is one of the devestating traps in the game. If oyu dont have any magics in your hand this card is ideal.

#3Call of the haunted    basicly a quick play version of monster reborn

#2Waboku     this is one of the most underrated cards in the game. it basicly gives you free turn.

#1mirror force    this is the grand master of them all. negates the attack and destoys all oponents attk position monsters, basicly ending your oponents battle phase and ending any threat of battle damage.



 Jeremy Gray      cmorganjr@charter.net