Rabid Rabid Joe's Yu-Gi-Oh Top 10 List- Top 10 Made-up Magic and Trap Cards


Gigagagagigogagagagagagi- Forget it. Trap- When your opponent Normal Summons, Flip Summons, or Special Summons a monster card that's name begins with Giga, Gaga, Gigo, Gago, or Goga, and it takes them 2 minutes or longer to say it, slap them, rip the card in half, throw the table over, and claim that you are the "Thnikka Man".


Ho. Ho. Ho.- Magic- When your opponent use's Yata Garasu's effect, search the deck for this card, grab Yata Garasu from them, burn it, and draw as many cards as you like.


I! Am! GAMBIT!- Magic- When your opponent Normal Summons, Flip Summons, or Special Summons Jinzo to the field, put Jinzo through a paper shredder, pause the duel, go through a 5 weeks instense course of card throwing, come back, resume the duel, pick up any one of your opponent's cards, and slice his head off with it.


Boom- Magic- If this card is in your hand for more than two turns, and you lose the duel, slam this card onto the table. You can now take his deck outside, blow it up, and if the police come, yell "IT'S MICHEAL JACKSON!", and run from them.


So Sad- Magic-If your opponent is over 40, slap him and walk away.


What Nooooow?!- Trap- If your opponent uses any combos that involve Butterfly Dagger- Elma, take Butterfly Dagger: Elma, shove it down their throat, and yell "WHAT NOOOOOW?!". You now have the option to run to Upper Deck and kill everyone in the building for making such a card.


Shazam!- Trap- If your opponent uses Chaos Emperor Dragon- Envoy of the End's effect, search this card from your deck or graveyard, and put it onto the table. All of the Life Point damage you take this turn is reflected to them. After their turn, you have the option to turn around and moon your opponent.


It Burns! It Buuuuurns!- Magic- If your opponent manages to get a monster up to 4000 attack or more, automatically send the cards involved to the graveyard, remove them from play, and take all of the cards removed from play, buy some gasoline, and light them on fire. If your opponent cries, yell," I have the POOOOOWAAAAAA!"


Bam!- If your opponent is running a Beater Deck, search your deck, and activate this. You can now beat them with a Flintstone's club to the point of excessive twitching and kindly explain that "Beater Decks have no strategy."


And the number one card is...









Aaaaawww Yeah.- Trap- If your opponent wins the duel, search your deck or graveyard for this card, activate it, grab a laptop, hack into the Russian Military's controls, set a missile for the area you are dueling, hop in a James Bond car, put on sunglasses, and drive off.


Rant at Rabid Rabid Joe at shapeshifterpyro@yahoo.com Yeah, I love you too. :)