ScottE'sYugioh Top 10 List-Top Ten
Yugioh Pet Peeves
10. "This card is as bad as Skull
... Why haven't we replaced "Skull
Servant" with Thousand-Eyes Idol yet?
9. Cards that Exist for the Sake of
Basically, cards like Sky Dragon and
Peacock that even newbies know suck.
8. Card
I hate this one. I dunno if any of
you have seen this, but in a starter deck version of Riyoku Field (I don't care
if I spelt it wrong) it has "Spelll" written there instead of "Spell".
There are a few other ones, but thats it.
7. Holographic
I'm probbably gunna get a lot of
hatemail for this one. I can't stand cards like "Serpent Night Dragon" that are
rare. I just cannot stand to see a good holo spot wasted on a stupid
6. TV Show Card
Ugh... I hate that they use a
different rule system in the anime. It throws so many people off, especially
newbies. I saw a kid swap a CED for a Magical Hats just because CED wasn't
on the show and Magical Hats was. Its making so many things difficult because
things are different.
5. TV Show
... Battle City Rules, 2 on 2,
Duelist Kingdom, 4-way Free For All, I can't stand it when someone says, "I
challenge you to a Battle City Duel!" I just shake my head and mutter, "Poor
4. "If everyone uses a type of deck
to win, don't use it."
I believe firmly in "Tried and
True." I see people preachin' about not using Yata, Chaos, and (Not so much)
Exodia becaus those are used alot. I'm really not here to give suggestions, I'll
try to write a tip on deckbuilding. Anyways, "Experimental" don't work for
3. Yata
I'm gunna need to install a Hatemail
filter for this one. Yata-Garasu is one of THE best cards in the game. Sure,
maybe Yata-Lock isn't the most exiting way to win, but I hate that people
neglect a perfectly good card for that.
2. Bending the
I personally almost always carry a
rulebook when I duel. The only thing I can think of thats mildly confusing is
Spell Speed, and yet I see "Special Summons can't attack in the same turn their
summoned." I hate this.
1. The Waboku
It says on Waboku, "All damage
inflicted by a monster to 0." Not, "Use this and your opponent can't do anything
to you! Ha ha!" I think that the text throws people off, but here on Pojo, I see
negation of anything. I really think that people should READ THE (can't
swear) CARD TEXT!!!!!
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