top ten cards that could actually be made that i wish existed


1.Nuke silo/feild magic card/ultra rare
all machine monsters can attack directly for a 2000 life point payment,discard 1 card from your hand to destroy 1 card on the field
2.Peircing swords/magic card/ultra rare
pay life points equal to a quarter of the monsters on your opponents feild to destroy all of them and do that to their life points
3.Blood transfusion/trap card/secret rare
choose 1 effect monster in your hand and one monster on your side of the feild, give the monster on your side of the field 1 of the other monsters effect(s) for the remainder of the duel, discard the monster from your hand then and remove it from play.
4.secret scriptures of the pharoh/quick play magic/ultra rare
increase any feind,spellcaster,or zombies attack by 500 and give them a white magical hat effect, if there are any cards with magician in their name they also gain an extra 1000 attack and a trample effect.
5.Virtue of dragon/magic/ super rare
increase any dragaon cards attack by 1000,also destroy any monster in def. position, if you have a card with white dragon on the feild then you may special summon any monster in your hand or deck with white dragon in it's name of your choice
6.jinzo signal/permanent magic/secret rare
as long as this card stays on the feild no traps can be set or activated, any face up trap card is destroyed
7.Warrior of the past/monster,effect/warrior/earth/attack 1900 def 0/4 stars/super rare
when you special summon this monster from the effect of warrior of the future remove all cards in both players graveyards from play.
8.Warrior of the present/monster,effect/warrior/dark/attack 1900 def 0/4 stars/super rare
when you summon this monster special summon one warrior of the future from your deck to the feild.
9.warrior of the future/monster,effect/warrior/light/attack 1900 def 0/4 stars/super rare
when you special summon this monster due to warrior of the present's effect special summon one warrior of the past to the feild.
10.Alliance of the time keepers/magic/rare
When warrior of the future, Warrior of the present, and Warrior of the past are on the feild  randomly discard 2 cards from your hand and pay 1000 life points and then destroy all magic,traps, and monsters on the opponents side of the feild, regain the cards discarded and the life points payed if this card is negated.