Sean H's top ten dragon card list

#1.  Chaos Emporer dragon-Is there any better card in the entire game?  It has the same stats as a blue eyes white dragon and doesn't need to tributee off the field!

#2.  Tyrant dragon-In my opinion this is the best dragon card in the game because it has a built-in Hayabusa knight built in to it and it is only 100ATK lss than a BEWD, the one draw-back about it is that to special summon it from the graveyard you have to offer a dragon type to special summon it,  course, if you have to do that you probly messed up any way. . .

#3.  Blue eyes white dragon-Every one just has to love the original king card!

#4.  Luster dragon-Not the LOD style it stinks I mean, 2400 one tribute, I'd rather use a summoned skull, anyway getting back on the subject, I like luster dragon because of it's awsome 4-star stats, not great defense but there are so few 1900ATK monsters it, to me, is to good to pass up!

#5.  Troop dragon-I like this card because I run a weenie swarm deck with skull night #2s and Bubonic vermins and man-eater bugs so I like this card and is useful in my deck and I know it's stats are awful but it's not bad for a swarm monster. . .

#6.  Yamata dragon-Not the greatest dragon in the game but I like spirit/spring of rebirth stratigy so I like my spirits especially one that lets me draw five cards!

#7.  Spear dragon-Built in trample and it has 1900 ATK Eureka!  We have a not-so-hard-to-find 1900 attacker.  Also the nice thing is that you don't have to wait 2 turns like you do with Goblin attack force and it looks like Pinocchio!  I know that most of these come from the LOD set but that set probably has the most dragons

#8.  Twin headed behemoth-I know it don't have very good stats but it does have a good affect and I think it looks cool don't you?

#9.  Fiend skull dragon-Actually I don't like this card very much. . .  The reason is that it's fusions arn't that bad and it's affect and stats are worse that the fusion monsters that make it.  Also there are other fusions I would rather play.  (XYZ dragon cannon, Dark flare knight, ect.)

#10.  Cave dragon-This is really a neat card, it maybe can't attack but it can just taunt you opponent until you draw that BEWD, Summoned skull, Vampire lord, ect.

Sean Handy