Top ten cards people rant on


It has become very apparent to most of the yugioh duelists out there , there are people that don't like certain cards . They think they are to over used , not origional , or not playable . So without further ado here they are .


10. Chaos Emperor Dragon .

9. Don Zaloog .

8. Vampire Lord .

7. Waboku .

6. Magic cylinder .

5. Fiber jar .

4. Fusions Altogether

3. Blackluster soldier Envoy of the beginning .

2. Jinzo .

1. Yata Garasu . ''Any real surprise ''


Now think about it , don't you hear more about these cards than any other . They all have their uses though , some may be hard to get out on the field , some may not be chainable , and others may just be down right annoying . It is however sad to say that these people who bad mouth these cards do know of their power and don't realize they might be offending anyone . But look at it this way if you have one of the envoys on the field your opponent is probably thinking how they need a new pair of pants , fusion monsters are easy to get out with magical scientist ''most of them any way '', the yata lock takes a lot of skill to get on than most people think , fiber jar clears the field and is a pretty good top deck , Don zaloog helps to give you hand advantage , waboku can protect you and chains with ease , Jinzo is a great beatstick , Vampire lord is hard to get rid of , and magic cylinder may not be chainable but if they hit you with blackluster or any other beat stick it might win you the game .

 Remember these are just my opinions and everyone is entitled to theirs , and I welcome any feed back good or bad .

Thanks a lot .

Chet at