The Top 10 List of Darkness
10 - Seiyaryu : Good card(better than DM), but 0wned by DCJ
9 - Dragon Capture Jar : 0wnz all of the good Dragons
8 - Man-Eater Bug : Destroys the monster of your choice
7 - Change of Heart : Good, but only for one turn
6 - Monster Reborn : Steals that BEWD your opponent just lost
5 - Raigeki : Destroys your opponent's monster? Good thing it's restricted!
4 - Succubus Knight : Looks cool and not too weak
3 - Summoned Skull : it's the Summoned Skull =/
2 - Red-Eyes Black Dragon :'s the Red-Eyes Black Dragon
1 - Black Skull Dragon : 3200 Attack. 'Nuff said
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