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#1 barrel dragon:it has a powerfull attack of 2600 an has a great effect.
#2 blue eyes ultimate dragon:the most powerfull FUSION monster to ever exist(atk:4500 def:3800).
#3 sumonned skull: a powerfull monster that can kill BEWD when fully equiped.
#4 dark magician: not bad for a purple monster.
#5 monster reborn:reviving my brother's barrel dragon is a fun thing to do.
#6 red eyes black dragon:2400 atk, the arch enemy of the legendary blue eyes white dragon. 
#7 stop defense:a usefull card in a hard spot forces your openents monsters into defense mode.
#8 man-eater bug:he can destroy a monster on the field.
#9 curse of dragon:a cool colorfull card with 2000 atk points.
#10 dream clown:a clown that,when is switched to defense mode destroys amonster on the field.
the card i hate is exodia since it is stronger then my favorite monster:blue eyes white dragon.