Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2002 3:35 PM
Subject: yugioh top ten
these are my thoughts on the cards

top ten cards to me:
10.trap hole-great card destroys bewd if your opponent is stupid enough to play it in attack mode
9.dragon capture jar-a card to help destroy the bewd (put him in defense and rip him to shreds)
8.dark hole-have one card on the field retreat it and play dark hole play it just like
7.polymerization-helps to fuse gaia the dragon champion
6.rebd-power it up and u can defeat the bewd
5.raigeki-destroys all opponents monsters duh great card reborn-use raigeki and get the monster you wanted back
3.tri-horned dragon-with the power of the mountain card it can beat a bewd by 50 atk
2.dark magician-cool atk cool def and come on it just looks cool
1. the blue-eyes white dragon- best card in the game