Subject: Lord of D. New Text-Stormwatch
Now, I cannot remeber who it was, but they posted a tip on Dark Hole and Fissure used to Take out first Lord of D. and then Blue-Eyes.
You don't need to fissiure the Lord of D., Dark Hole effects Blue-Eyes under Lord of D.  And Lord of D. has had its text revised.  I found this on my li'l sister's card after my friend mentioned it too me.
Now I have the card as proof.
Lord of D.'s new text
All Dragon-Type monsters cannot be targeted by Magic cards, Trap Cards, or othr effects that specifically designate a target while this card is face up n the field.
Now, That means you can use cards like Waboku, Fissure, Raigeki, OR Dark Hole.  They do not Target anything.
And just to clarify, Waboku is all opponent's monsters that could deal damage.
go to
that is the Upper deck one.  Check out its rulings there.  Some controversial cards still.  Okay, a lot, but that is the site that Tournament Judges go to first.  Other places are just other places.


Pegasus - I was right Right.  Oh please say I am right.  I was right, RIGHT?

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