Subject: Trap hole and ring of magnetism tips/ strategies/ loophole
first of all this is what it says on trap hole exactly" if the ATk of a monster summoned by tour opponent (excluding Special summon) is 1000 points or more, the monster is destroyed.
Now  even after the next turn you should be able to use it because it says summoned and even during the turn after, that monster is still a summoned monster. Now unless someone gives me solid evidence on how i am wrong thats the way im gonna play. just saying so wont do it i want the exact webpage with the info.
Now the ring of magnetism is a what i call a loophole card. We all know we can equip an opponents monster with your quip card right? good.  So wat it says on the this ring is a monster equipped with this ring atk and def points are dropped by 500 points. So here is the crazy part!!!! if you equip it to a enemy monster that forces them to atk their own monster. I know wat your thinking "you cant atk your own monster" that may be true but.....................
on page 8 of the rulebook it says that whenever the rules in the rulebook conflict with the rules on the card follow the rules on the card. So that means example: your opponent summons the mighty BEWD you now its your tuen bam you draw the Ring of Magnetism you equip to his BEWD next turn hahahaha he BEWD atks itself or if ohther monters are out they atk BEWD and they kill themselves b4 BEWD kills itself. like i said loophole card. Oh yea and ifor those who say that now you have to atk the card your wrong because it says all of your opponents monsters and even if you equip to him it is still ur card and is in your 5 card limit. So when the makers of this game realize this they will limit this card. But if for some reason im wrong i want to know exactly why and tell me at gogeto!

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