Cards Needed:
 mega thunder ball
 Summoned skull or judge man
7 tools of the bandit (back up)
First draw 5 cards and hope you get mega thunderball summoned skull\judge man 7 tools of the bandit and waboku. Play mega thunder ball in attack mode than lay waboku face-down, and bluff say something like " thats the best i can do, i am so screwed." your opponent can't resist not attacking it, than activate waboku. Your opponent will most likely use la jinn or 7 colored fish. On your turn sacrifice mega thunderball for summoned skull\ judge man and play 7 tools of the bandit face-down than attack your opponents monster. Easy enough right, but your opponent might have a dark hole at his or her disposal, thats when you counter with your 7 tools of the bandit.
I hope this combo works.
"Harpie mega deal" combo
Cards needed:
1 harpie lady
2 elegant egotist
2 sword of deep-seated
Play mountain than play harpie lady face-up in defense mode. Use both your elegant egotists and special summon 2 harpie lady sisters and power each one up with a sword of deep seated making their attack 2650. Pretty cool ! If you want to go further attach follow wind to each harpie lady sisters and to ensure your harpie lady to be safe power her up with follow wind to make her attack high. Now you have 2 harpie lady sisters at 2950 attack and a harpie lady at 1800 attack. If you want to go even further use shield and sword you have  2 of your harpie's at 3100 attack, and one at 1900 attack ( only for one turn of course).Than play blade fly in defense mode but face-up, than your harpie's are at 3450, 3450, and 2300. Theirs no end to the harpie power up cycle !  I love them Harpie's! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
If their is any contriversy over these combos e-mail me at