Subject: Magic Ruler and Tournament pack Ideas-Duel Master
Hello all you people out there who play Yu-Gi-Oh! cards.  You will all listen to my ideas for Magic Ruler!
Idea Number 1
Magic Ruler Contains Magic Ruler, Pharoah's Servant, and The Ritual of Illusions card to summon Relinquished.  Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon will be a secret rare and Ritual of Illusions will be added to Magic Ruler.  That will make Magic Ruler 51 cards and Pharaohs servant 50 plus a secret rare card.  That will make 101 cards but they said 102 cards in the set so that might mean that they are trying to FOOL us into thinking that we are STUPID!
Idea Number 2
Magic Ruler contains Magic Ruler, Toon cards, more Booster Chronicle stuff like Gemini Elf, and the Ritual of Illusions.  Magic Ruler is 50 plus the Ritual of Illusions card is 51 and if they add the toon cards(5 cards including Toon World) that will make 56.  Then they add more Booster Chronicle stuff to make 102.  But then there are no Secret Rares unless they take more stuff from Booster Chronicle.  But then what will they put in the Season 2 tournament packs?
Idea Number 3
Upperdeck doesn't know how to do math problems and they are tricking us into thinking that we are total idiots.
Now onto Tournment pack Season Two Ideas!
Idea Number 1
The Tournament pack season 2 cards have famous and infamous cards like Raigeki, Pot of Greed, Swords of Revealing Light, and some other famous cards that are now hard to get because Upperdeck stopped making Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon Packs.  Then they will put the GOD CARDS IN THE PACKS!  And if they know what they are doing, they will make them playable so I can make three ULTIMATE decks that DESTROY the WORLD.
Well, thank you for your time and good luck dueling.  Oh yeah, email Upperdeck to make more Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon Packs and drive them crazy!
Note: I am crazy.
Derek Kirch aka Duel Master