Everyone seems to think that if you use hand destruction cards
such as Card Destruction, Share the Pain, Tribute to the Doomed, etc. and you
send a Gate Guardian, a Great Moth, Harpy Lady Sisters or Larvae Moth to the
graveyard from your hand that you can use a Monster Reborn to bring it on to the
field without having the necessary cards to summon it. (ex. For the Gate
Guardian you need Sanga of the Thunder, Kazejin, and Suijin to properly summon
the G.G. or with Great Moth you need to have Petit Moth equipped with a Cocoon
of Evolution for 4 turns) but this is not so. The only way to summon them is by
using the proper cards to special summon it on to the field. But there is also a
"back-door rule" as one might say. If the monster was already on the field
earlier then and only then can you use Monster Reborn to bring it back even if
you don't have the necessary cards on the field.
I'm just hoping people read this because I'm tired of reading the same
combo over and over when the combo doesn't even work in a real duel with
proper rules.
Writen by: David Lourenco / Duel Guru