From:  []

Hey all,
I didn't see this combo placed on here anywhere, so I'm not completely sure if it was. IF it was, feel free to delete this email! =)
Well, this is how you do some devastating damage and get a good creature out of the whole deal!
You will need:
1- Catapult Turtle
1- Monster Reborn
1- Change of Heart
Of course, you don't need to get all of these cards in your hand at one time, but it helps.
First, play the Catapult Turtle. Then wait until your opponent plays one of his/her strongest creatures. Let them put all the bonuses on it they want! It will only help you. Your job will just be to find a way to stop him from killing the turtle. Bring out one of your own strong creatures for bait if that helps. At this point, if you have all the cards to complete the combo, a little damage won't be that bad. Then, play the Change of Heart to get the creature. Now, if you have any upgrades, like Sword of Deep-Seated, feel free to upgrade the monster. Then launch it at them. It will do half the damage of the total attack and is killed. It then goes to the graveyard. Then feel free to play Monster Reborn and rub it in his/her face! The Sword of Deep-Seated comes back to your hand next round, so you can upgrade it again. You then can launch it again or just keep it to take some names!
Any Questions? Comments? Contact Omega!  At