Subject: Tips/Rant/Maybe Both-Stormwatch
Hello, and, I'd just like to say some things first.
There are some good tips here.  But then again, there is some seriously flawed ones.
As a Tournament participator and champion, and as someone who could be a judge, I see some of the weirdest things here.  (For the judging, I am not sure if I will be in town for that weekend, but If I am, I will more than likely be judging)
check the FAQ
OKay, now, the Monster Reborn Card.
Its basically that if it was a special summon, and was properly done as such, then you can reborn it.  But if it wasn't, then no can do.
For Fusions.  If it goes to your hand, then the Fusion monster gets put back into the Fusion deck.  But if it goes to the Graveyard, you can reborn it.
For Japanese Cards.  You play with these in any tournament in N. America, and you should be banned.  For the tournaments that I go to, You DO NOT PLAY WITH JAPANESE CARDS.  If I was judging and I saw one, I would throw the person out of the tournament.  And I wouldn't be surprised if others did as well.
I am a stickler for this.  Out of the past 5 weeks, I have been to 4, Won 3, and got 2nd place for the other one.  Yet, I don't get cocky at all, I do not offer any disrespect.  I will joke around a bit, but that is it.
A Handshake, before and after a Match is a GOOD THING.
YOU Are ALLOWED to Cut the opponents Deck.  You are not allowed to look at the opponents Deck.

And, it is good Nature and Practice to have your opponent Cut your Deck after you Sangan, or Witch for a Creature.
If someone gets cocky with me (which, thank god hasn't happened for me yet, but, I wouldn't be surprised) I will go all out on them.  If someone looks at my deck while they are supposed to be Cutting (and this HAS happened) I will go all out on them.  And, to properly convey this meaning, it is more predator like.  Not to be mean, but I DESPISE CHEATING.
If I was a Judge, I would give a warning for both.  And, as a translation, Cocky means arrogant and boastful, teasing and the like.
Now, How my conduct is
I get Quiet.  Anxious and everything, I do not do well with crowded places at all.
I rarely speak except to announce my moves.
If its someone I know, I will get into idle chit chat.
I will vocally insult a particular card (good-naturedly though) that keeps on appearing for my opponent.
This is usually Swords of Revealing Light.  And a good card to use against my deck. 
Now, for those tips.
OKay, well, Gygin, if you read this, or for others who will inevitably will, he has some good tips.  And A good Deck Construction format.  Follow it, and I will explain other things to help further along it all.
OKay, certain Cards and Combos.
The Monster Reborn, as I said above, will will add a bit more here.  Monster Reborn, I think we all know works well with a High Level Creature and a Card Destruction.  (High-Level meaning Blue-Eyes White Dragon or Summoned Skull)  But, I am not afraid to use this on a La Jinn.  If I played an Exodia deck, I would more than likely use it on a Witch.
MAgician of Faith - Well now, think of it like this.  An extra Pot of Greed, an Extra Monster Reborn.  An Extra Swords or Heavy Storm.
Witch of the Black Forest - It can pull anything in my deck, and many of the playable cards.
Sword of Deep-Seated - OKay, now, as fun as this card can look.  I wouldn't recomment more than one in a deck.  And I would recommend NONE.  On the Field, Creatures usually don't last very long.  And, in order to keep up an attack or maintain a defense, you must continually draw the creatures.  With this card, you can get into a stall.  Even with ONE in your Deck.
Masked Sorcerer - Yes, a Masked Sorcerer.  It can't be trapholed.  If played right, it will replace itself (meaning you get One drawn card).  If luck, you get many cards.  I have one in my deck.  And you Would be surprised how often I use it.  It can kill a nice amount of effect cards.  And, it cal also bring something into attack mode to kill the li'l rascal.  Which I do not mind at all.
Princess of Tsurugi - Direct Damage.  plus a 900 attack so no Trap Hole.  Although, this is also sacrificing fodder and Horn of Heaven usage.
Man-Eater Bug - PLay with 3.  Although, if they are flipped up due to a swords and there is nothing else on the field, they will kill themselves.
Summoned Skull - 2 or 3 is good.  No less than 2.  I don't think I need to explain this.
Wall of Illusion - People actually play with this card.  Thats funny.  Sure it can stop a La Jinn.  But, it Bounces Creatures.  Oh the fun of ANOTHER Extra Pot of Greed with a Magician.  OR more direct Damge with a Princess.  Or How about ANother Bug.  Sure I may take some damage, but, I'll usually do more damage to myself then my opponent will.
Change of HEart - The Best Card in the Game.  In the Right hands.  The Worst Card in the game, in obviously the wrong hands.  This card can change the tide of battle so often.  You do not have to use it when you get it.  But do not be afraid to use it at any time.
Launcher Spider- This card is popular for some reason where I live and play.  I have seen some ridiculous trades for them (meaning Raigeki and the like).  Also, this is merely a two sac card, where Summoned Skull is Bigger than it.  If you think about using this, DON'T.
OKay, now decks
Exodia - USe Last Wills, Sangans, and Witches to quickly bring it out.  Use Monster Reborn and Magicians of Faith to bring them out again to use them.  With 1 Last Will, 1 Monster Reborn, 1 Sangan, 1 Magician, and 1 Piece of exodia, you can get all of Exodia, but alas, I have not seen people play like that.  I would, if I cared to have Exodia.  Exodia FEARS Card Destruction.  It also fears Speed.  So, Magic Jammers could be useful, that or defenders and Solemn Judgments.
Direct Damage - I have only seen one of these Decks used.  And it wasn't that well Constructed.  (there was no Princesses, No Catapult Turtles)  But a speed Deck can fear this one a bit.
Speed - Now, I am not sure what the lingo here is for this deck.  Its been dubbed the Eliminator style of deck at the places I frequent.  This is what I normally play.  Watch your life points, but don't give a hoot about them.  Care for your creatures.  (I have protected a Witch to an extent)
Oh, Don't use Equip Magics or Fields whenever possible.  If you are going to use an Equip Magic, use Paralyzing Potion.  but then Again, I'd rather have a fissure or Trap Hole.
All-Around Decks.  My Deck used to be this.  It was speed, but it was more of a Peacemeal Speed.  It had (and still does) a weird sense of Direction.
Gate Guardian Decks - Wow, I'd be surprised to face one.  Not like I would really complain, since I do not think this deck would be really much of a challenge.  If you Can make one that works, you wouldn't be reling upon it.  If you made one that Centered around it.  It would be a very finicky deck.  (basically, it would only work when it wanted to, and therefore, not often)
Defensive Decks - This is more of a control based deck.  Using Defensive Creatures to stall with Magic and Traps to back it up.  Then using either Princesses, High-Level Creatures, or Shield and Swords, you hurt the opponent.
OKay, now a different Deck Construction Deconstruction.
OKay, there are several aspects of this that I will go into.  All must be balanced.  Again, look at GYGIN's Deck Construction tip for help.  I recommend it.
High-Level Creatures - There is very few actual Playable ones.  But you must keep this to a minimum.  Summoned Skull, Blue-Eyes(only a couple unless playing a theme), Sanga of the Thunder, Barrel Dragon and maybe Red-Eyes and Thunder Dragon if you play with Fusions.  Wait, forgot about Catapult Turtle.  There, that is probably all of them.
Control Cards - There is only a few Mass Control Cards.  They Are Heavy Storm, Card Destruction, Raigeki, and Dark Hole.  You must think Carefully with every one of these that you put in your deck.
Countertraps - This has its own Category, but, with the 4 that are out there, it could be very tricky putting a bunch of these in a deck.  So I suggest only a few of whatever suits your deck.
Effect Monsters - These are good, and a deck should have some, but going all out for them could be problematic.  Choose them wisely and use them even wiser.
Creature Destruction - I play with about 1/4 of the deck being Creature kill.  (if not more)
1:1 Ratio
hmm, I have seen decks go with as high as 32/18 Ratio (creatures/magic and Traps respectively) but, I would make it closer.  it doesn't have to be even, just close.  A good Draw for me is 3 Creatures and 2 magic/traps.
Card Advantage
This is Big.  Okay, first off, it doesn't always mean Drawing cards.  It means did I make the best out with that card.  I can get card advantage with a La Jinn.  How, La Jinn can destroy several of my opponents creatures and then get fissured away.  That is a 3 or 4 for 1 card advantage.  This is more in how you play and when you play what.  Which only comes with experience.  Also, this refers to Card Drawing and Control Cards.  Card Drawing is pretty limited to Pot of Greed, Card Destruction, and Masked Sorcerer.  Control Card Advantage is basically you using a Heavy Storm or Dark Hole to gain more than your opponent does.
PLaytest your deck as often as possible.  Tweak your deck with improvements.  Figure things out.  Establish the weak spots and try to cover them up.  Notice the strong points and use them more.
And remember, have fun and enjoy yourself.  Respect every opponent and take care of your cards.  Like it or not, there is somewhat a Heart of the Cards.

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