Subject: DarkMarth - Exploring Burner

Since my first article was published a few weeks ago, many people have emailed me about burner decks. Since that many people emailed about them, I figured that other people might want to know about it too. So here it is: my article on burner decks.

Well, where to start?

I guess we should start with which type of monsters should be played in the deck. Since this deck is defensive a lot of the time, it would do good to put in a few Mystical Elfs, Giant Soldiers of Stone, Aqua Madoors, and Prevent Rats. I suggest a total of 6 to 8 of those combined. A good way to go is 2 Giant Soldiers, 2 Mystical Elfs, 1 Aqua Madoor, and 2 Prevent Rats. Next, there should be some sort of attacking. I suggest Dark Elf, Summoned Skull, and one other 7+ level monster. 2 Dark Elfs work nicely, and one Summoned Skull does the job. Attacking isn't necessary, but in a pinch, it really helps out. Next are the effect monsters.

One of the reasons I put in only one 5/6 level monster was because I wanted 2 Catapult Turtles in here. 2 or 3 Princesses of Tsurugi work well here, as does 2 Man-Eater Bugs, 1 Hane-Hane, and 1 Cyber Jar (only because it will be restricted. I mean, come on, Dark Hole is restricted to one, why won't this be?) You may completely edit this part out, but I think Toons work well in Burner, so I suggest adding in Toon Summoned Skull and/or Toon Mermaid. If you can't get those, Manga Ryu-Ran, while not that great, gets the job done. Other good effect monsters are Jigen Bakudan (only one, too much explosion can be bad), Cannon Soldier (at least one), and Sangan (you can pull basically anything from the deck.) Now for the meat of Burner: the Magics & Traps. The obvious cards are Ookazi, Just Desserts, Tremendous Fire, and Toll (good card if you're playing defensive.) but think deeper into the matter. Two helpful cards are Chorus of Sanctuary and Horn of Light, helping the defensive cause, and Waboku and Trap Hole can be game savers, so have at least 2 of each.

Then we of course have staple cards: Change of Heart, Dark Hole, Raigeki, Mirror Force, Monster Reborn, and Pot of Greed. Last we have the cards that indirectly help the game: Soul Exchange for Catapult and Cannon's effect, and Shield & Sword, just in case. Onto the last thing every deck mechanic does: the side deck. I'd start out by putting 2 or 3 De-Spells in there, just in case you run across a Toon World deck. Next put in Dragon Capture Jar, for those Dragons decks. I also put in lots of Exodia killers: Card Destruction, Soul Release, Banisher of the Light, Robbin' Goblin, and White Magical hat are the ones that I have in my side deck. Lastly, put in another power card for emergency use. I suggest using Sanga of the Thunder or Suijin as that side decked power card, just because their effect can be killer. Well, that's it for the exploration of Burner.

This deck rocks when executed well, and it has won many tournaments at my school, which has many experienced players. If you have any questions, e-mail or IM me at Until next time, happy dueling! -DarkMarth