Ultimate Launcher Spider and Soilders-Joseph
Cards needed:
Launcher Spider 2x\
Saggi The Dark
Blue Eyes White Dragon
Castle Walls 2x
Reinforcements 5x
Electric Lizard
Shield & Sword 2x
Sword Of Deep Seated
First, play the 2 Shield &
Sword face down and the Flame Cerebrus face up in attack mode with the
Reinforcements. Then, end your turn. Now play Suijin face up attack mode and the
De-Spell face down. Now kill a card and attack the life points. When your
opponent's turn is over, play Electric Lizard face down defense mode guarding
every card on your side. End your turn. Then, let him attack the electric lizard
and freeze the monster for one turn. Now, just play the Remove Trap face down
and attack with the Flame Cerebrus to end your turn. Now hope they attack the
Flame Cerebrus. Now, this is when the fun begins. Play the 2 Launcher Spiders
and the BEWD with the 1 Reinforcements on the BEWD and flip the 2 Shield &
Swords on the Launcher Spiders with a Sword Of Deep Seated and a
Reinforcements on one of the Launcher Spiders. And when they play Trap Hole,
Dark hole or Fissure, play the De-Spell or Remove Trap. Try to waste them both.
End your turn. Now, play the 2 Reinforcements on the other Launcher spider. Now
you have a lot of monsters that have high attack points. There is my