Subject: 5 Big Bad Monster Killer Move and other good tips!-Han Man

Let me go to the killer move first.
Cards Needed:
2x Shadow Ghouls
3x Summond Skulls (if you ever get that much)
1x Mirror Force
1x Ultimate Offering
5x good defensive cards (such as Giant Soldier of Stone)
1x 7 tools of the Bandit (just in case they use Mirror Force)
First save up to 5 cards on your field. (if some get destroyed
just replace them. its ok, probably better) Place down
Mirror Force. Let them attack and activate it. Now the field
is clear. Use Ultimate Offering. Sacrafice all the monsters
to put the 3x Summond Skulls and 2x Shadow Ghouls.
2500 life point loss isnt bad. Now you at least should have
2x Shadow Ghouls powered up to 2100 and 3 powerful
Summond Skulls. Now attack their Life points. If they use
a Mirror Force no worries if you have 7 Tools of the Bandit.
(If you cant get 5 cards out on the field then use Ultimate Offering) Also you can replace those Summond Skulls as
long as it adds up to 8000 attack power together. cool?
Now for some helpful hints.
If you have a certain deck . . .
For Beatdowns: I have a beatdown so I know some good stuff. You can put some defensive cards so you can sacrafice them for even bigger monsters. Also I suggest you
put in The Stern Mystic so you can see what happens before your beautiful monsters get destroyed to like a Trap Hole. Also always have some counter traps and know what
your opponent will do next.
For Monster Removal: Make sure how ever you maybe removing monster be prepared for counters. Watch out for
Shadow Ghouls they can be a Big problem. Big Eye may
help get you those Man Eater Bugs and other cards.
Barrel Dragon should be one of your main cards.
For Exodia: Make it an offensive Exodia or you may have some major problems especially when Exodia goes down
the hole when they use Card Destruction. Good cards:
Labryinth Wall, J. Gumos, and Dark Elf. just keep them out.
For Direct Damage: Cannon Soldiers are nice but you basicly want to stick around the same thing as a monster
removal cards. Of course you can have Catapult Turtle.
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