Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Help/Deck Statistics-xstreamzero
Deck Statistics Version 2.0
Well, this took me long enough. I was patiently awaiting Magic Ruler. Now that it’s out, just thought I’d finally send in the second version.
Same as last time. There are four main statistics determine a deck, Attack, Defense, Speed, and Special. Attack is the deck’s power, the ability to do damage to life points and win games. Defense is how well you can protect your own life points. However, there are three more statistics.
After much thinking, I have discovered the 3 S’s. They are Speed, Special, and Strategy.
Speed is how fast you can pull out combos, getting cards you want, and put almost all your cards to good use. Special is your ability to anything else, such as magic, traps, and effects. And finally, Strategy, as it determines your dueling skill, which means combining your cards to do things and involve yourself in a lot of thinking with many of options for you to do.
The 3 S’s are the most important in building a deck. If any of those three statistics are less than 20 points, rebuild your deck to try and balance your cards together.
The instructions should be easy to follow now. And this system will determine your and your deck.
Determining stats
Attack: 30
Defense: 30
Speed: 0
Special: 0
Strategy: 0
All decks start with these stats. Every time an instruction applies to your deck, follow instructions to alter stats. If necessary, round decimals up, after doing all the math.
Attack Points:
1) A monster in your deck with the highest attack points is divided by 100 and then added to the Attack power of the stats. (Ex: Blue Eyes White Dragon is in your deck. 3000/100=30. Add 30 to Attack stat.)
2) If there are any cards, such as magic and effect monsters, that increase the attack of monsters, add 5 points to your Attack stats.
3) If there are more monsters that attack than defend, increase the Attack stat by 5 points.
4) Any cards that do direct damage, add 5 points to your Attack stat.
5) If all pieces of Exodia are in your deck, your Attack stat is maxed out at 100 points and cannot be altered by any other changes (ones that are mentioned in instructions).
Defense Points:
1) A monster in your deck with the highest defense points is divided by 100 and then added to the Defense power of the stats. (Ex: Labyrinth Wall is in your deck. 3000/100=30. Add 30 to Defense stat.)
2) If there are any cards, such as magic and effect monsters, that increase the defense of monsters, add 5 points to your defense.
3) If there are more monsters that defend rather than attack, increase the Defense stat by 5 points.
4) Add 5 Defense points to your stats for every card that increase your life points.
5) For every non-monster card that prevents your opponent’s attacks or cards that prevent damage to your life points, increase your Defense stat by 5 points.
If you have a high attack or defense stat, it won’t mean a thing without the 3 S’s.
Speed Points:
1) If there are 40 cards in your deck, add 10 points. Then, subtract 1 point for every extra card in your deck.
2) Add 5 points for every card that increases draw power. Also, add 10 points if there is a card that allows you to “pick up” cards from your deck.
3) Add 5 points for every card that allows you to search for a specific card.
4) Add 5 points for every card that allows you to play more monsters onto the field on a single turn.
5) If you’re an economizer, and you play only one or two cards per turn, subtract 5 points.
6) If your deck is at a 1:1 card ratio, add 10 points.
7) If the Sword of Deep-Seated or the Horn of the Unicorn (I think that‘s the card) is in your deck, subtract 10 points. If there is more than one, reduce your speed to 1 and any other changes to speed are neglected.
Special Points:
1) Any cards in your deck that eliminate and/or negate monsters, magic, and/or traps, add 10 points
2) If there are any Monster cards that have a special effect, add 5 points.
3) If there are cards on the restricted list that are in your deck, add 10 points.
4) Any cards you put in just because you feel it is a good card, add 10 point.
5) Any Card that allows you to re-use a card (such as Magician of Faith), add 5 points.
6) If there are any cards that do direct damage, add 5 points
7) If you play for fun, add 10 points. If you play to win and have fun, add 5 points. If you play solely for the purpose of winning, stop playing and get rid of your cards. Winning isn’t everything.
Strategy Points:
1) If you run a beat down deck, add 0 points. This is because there really is no strategy involved. Any card you draw, you just play it, you don’t even need to think. Also, negate all other increases to Strategy points if you do run a beat down deck.
2) If you run any other kind of deck, add 10 points. It’s a given
3) If you revolve your deck around a certain card (or cards, such as getting your Barrel Dragon out into play), add 10 points. If you revolve your deck around 15 or more of your cards (meaning, given the situation, you can do something and not have cards dead in your hand), add 15 points.
4) If you play with cards from a variety of sets (LOB, MRD, MRL, TP1), add 5 points. You don’t have to play with all the sets, just try and jump back and forth from time to time.
5) If you are always altering your deck, add 5 points. You have to have variety when playing with Yu-Gi-Oh!, otherwise, you will be playing your same strategies too many times. It gets predictable.
6) If you have a side deck, add 5 points.
7) If there are any monsters in your deck that require tribute in order to summon, add 5 points. Add another 5 points if you have a way of playing that monster without having to use tribute (excluding Monster Reborn).
8) If your deck includes Fusion, Ritual, or Toon Monsters, add 10 points.
Once everything is done, figure out your final stats. Like I said, it doesn’t matter what your attack or defense stat is. If you don’t have the 3 S’s, how will you pull out a supreme attack or an ultimate defense?
Basically, if your Speed, Special, and Strategy statistics are over 30 points each, then you have a balanced deck. Otherwise, you might want to fix your deck.
Once again, this is kinda for fun. But, since last time, this system is more complex, and more reliable. It’s still fallible, which might have me working on a Version 3.The reason I do this is to try to help duelists, and perhaps receive some help of my own.
I’m always open to complaints or anything that can help the system