I LOVE combos and these is my combo tips
Firce Knight and Legendary sword GAIA's atk 2300+300
Lord of D, The Flute
of Summoning Dragon, BEWD, BEWD, Sword of Deep-Seated on a BEWD, Ring of
Magnetism on the same BEWD, get Catapult Turtle, if your life points are lower
than your opponintsuse Megamorph on the other BEWD,play Gravekeeper's Servant,
Mountain use Catapult Turtle's effect with the BEWD that you used the Megamorph
on, then grt it back with Monster Reborn.
3 Tremendous Fire and 3 Dian
Keto The Cure Master
Senju of The Thousand Hands' effect, use
Commencement Dance, and Performance of Sword.
If you have any more
E-mail me greenlantern@aol.com