Subject: sangan and last will
cards needed
last will
all u need to do is have last will and sangan in ur hand place sangan face down in def mode anf if u have enoough room place last will face down too then on ur next turn flip ovwer last will and it reads "when one or your monsters are destroyed during the turn you play this card seclet a monster of 1500 atk or less from ur deck ur deck is then resuffled
 now sangan reads when this monster is sent from the field to the grave yard pick a monster of 1500 atk of less from your deck your deck is then resuffled
 so basiclly you r destroy sangan and using its effect and since your destroyed a monster you are using the last will effect but u can't do it in your oppenets turn so you will have to kill it yourself with dark hole or 2 prolunged attack etc
 hope this helps
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