Subject: Correction on Ring of Magnetism-Nelson

This is a correction on Master_Duelist's tip and all those other phoney tips on RoM.

It seems even after wartortle32 has posted thousands of things on ring of magnetism(Or so it seems) you guys still don't understand that ring of magnetism CANT be equip on your opponents monster...YOU  CANT  EQUIP Ring of Magnetism ON YOUR OPPONENT'S MONSTERS!!!!!!!!YOU  CANT  EQUIP Ring of Magnetism ON YOUR OPPONENT'S MONSTERS!!!!!!!!YOU  CANT  EQUIP Ring of Magnetism ON YOUR OPPONENT'S MONSTERS!!!!!!! It even says this in the Japanese Rules! And yes we do use the Japanese rules... after all, the rules dont just pop out of the sky you know.I hope i have finally made this clear to all of you Yu-gi People.

Please email me at if you have any questions.

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