Subject: Kevin F's Corrections on strategies August 30th
Tip and strategies correction by Kevin Fong   4 turn k o without losing life points has alot of errors in his strategy and is almost like the opponent has to play those certain cards. You will lose lp if you use tremendous fire as it does 1000lp direct but does 500 direct on yourself as well to activate. Also the mystic pupeteer i believe is mysterious puppeteer and he probably didn't read the card ruling of that there is a typo on the card and is actually "for each summoned monster gain 500lp" not "for each monster on field gain 500". Another thing, you cannot activate trap hole on your own turn on a monster that was summoned on your opponents turn. Trap hole can only be played when on your opponents turn right after he summons a monster. His strategy is all like "This is what happened" not actually strategy usable as there are alot of illegal actions in his article.
Second: 1 card instant win by robert uses the card last will and a card like cannon soldier and thinks it is legal to keep on using last will's effect everytime a monster is destroyed. This is wrong as there is a card ruling that once the last will's effect has been used, it is no longer usable and thus you cannot summon infinite monsters with last will and infinite launches with cannon soldier. There has also been a discussion about if this was possible on the message board and the outcome: No.
Here's a strategy since this is a strategy placing place. If you use reverse trap against any zombie deck, you screw them bad. They may seem unstoppable to defeat when powered up by all that zombie stuff like castle of dark illusions or monsters in grave for shadow ghoul but usually when they send those creatures out, a handy reverse trap can work wonders makin their atk usually all the way to zero. Better than reinforcements don't you think?
If you have any comments are need any proof of this, email me at   I'll give you a good ammount of evidence to back these up along with message board posts. Please don't enter strategies unless you actually know all aspects of the game rules for your strategy of whatever it may be. Givin such strategies just waste peoples time by people like me having to correct them and incouraging these miracle strategies that are illegal plays.
And again that's,

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