I've been sitting here, going to several tournies and hearing several people make the same mistakes over and over. Wartortle, forgive me if I cover some ground you already have.

1. Flip effects are just that... you can't flip them the same turn you play the monster. As is stated in the rule book... you can only switch from defense position to attack position, or vice versa once a turn. Putting the monster down in defense mode counts as that rule as well. Enough said.

2. You cannot bring Gate Guardian out into play, or other monsters like his requirements, without sacrificing the necessary creatures. Why everyone would like to think you can bring out such a powerful monster with three tributes, they need a reality check. If GG was that strong, chances are you wouldn't be able to find him anywhere, considering everyone would have their decks stacked with it. Check out ebay and you tell me how many gate guardian's you find for sale.

3. Ring of Magnetism... I've heard ranting about this over and over. You cannot equip it to an opponent's monster. The ONLY exception for this would be if you used change of heart on an opponent's monster and played a ring on it, the SAME turn. Otherwise, it remains under your opponent's control and is immune to having the ring used on it.

4. Yes, fusion monsters can be reborned, granted they were summoned normally into play in the first place. For example, someone get's lucky enough to get three blue eyes and a polymerization... they place Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon... but your opponent pulls out a Raigeki and it goes to the graveyard. Reborn would apply to it. However, if it never came into play... and was merely discarded from your hand, then reborn would NOT work.

5. I believe last will only works once when it's used, then goes to your graveyard. In fact, I've yet to see a continuous magic card. The cannon soldier, continuous last will combo is impossible. At most you might be able to pull 1500 damage from it, not including other creatures you have on the field, and that's granted you have three last wills on the field or in your hand.

6. I've heard a lot of people whining about Exodia, how it stinks, or it's unfair. Upperdeck, while not doing the cards justice, to their credit have made the game extremely balanced. It's created to where no one card is invincible... for instance,  card destruction, robbin goblin, white magical hat, masked sorcerer. They're all aimed with the principal of discarding your opponent's cards... the achilles' heel of an Exodia deck. That being said, there should be no room for complaining, unless they're simply upset at the fact they don't have the set and thus, can't use it. Besides, it's five cards you have to have in your hand... it's not exactly easy, even with the aid of Sangans and Witches of the Black Forest.

7. Last, but not least, be kind to new players, unless they come off with an attitude. I've a little brother, and at his first tournament one of the head players tried to take advantage of him by twisting the rules since he didn't know better. Not only do I find that disgusting, but it's pretty sad when you have to take advantage of a ten year old. Needless to say, my brother has improved drastically since then... his barrel dragon is living proof. LOL
      Well that's it, at least for now. Feel free to mail me with any comments, flames, or what not at Deludedtwilight@aol.com   I might post again, depending on if I get annoyed again or people want me too. :) Take care all, and later.