Ban List - The Good, The
Bad, and The Originality - Alboski
If you read the
title then you know what I am about to talk about but I will add (hopefully) a
new look at an over talked about subject.....
The Ban List
Emporer Dragon( never leaving the Ban List)
Dark Hole( maybe)
Duo( never leaving)
Raigeki( never leaving)
Monster Reborn(
Yata( definetly stayin)
United We Stand( maybe)
Sangan( Konami
is gonna most likely make a replacement with a little more
Witch of the Black forest( same as Sangan)
Graceful Charity(
Harpie's Feather Duster( never leaving)
Mirror Force( slight chance
of leaving)
Imperial Order( most likely never
The good thing about the Ban List is it will power decks down and
make the game a lot more strategic because konami is letting us know by it's
actions that Mass Monster or Magic/Trap removal is not what they want in Yu Gi
Oh they want every card you pull to be crucial from beggining to end and if your
deck doesnt work together or you dont make smart moves that will be the reason
you lose not because of "cheap"
Alot of people are angry that they spent years collecting these
hard to find cards and now they cant use them, that is pretty
(My Thoughts)
This is a sad attempt at Konami to make Yu Gi Oh easier for
poorer people to play and to apease sore loser's who use Chaos as an Excuse for
why they lose there Local Tournament Every Week. If you keep losing to something
then make a deck against it, it really isnt that hard, if you need help search
around Pojo for Anti-Chaos, Beatdown etc. strategies dont complain about Chaos
or whatever because they are all easy to