Building the Chaos Necromancer Deck
Hey guys. This is my second article, this time on a deck type that I run and has never, ever failed me, Chaos Necromancer. This kind of deck needs a lot of swarming and a lot of monsters. Let's look at the key cards:

Chaos Necromancer
The ATK of this card becomes the number of Monster Cards in your Graveyard x 300 points.

This card is better than Shadow Ghoul is many reasons. One is it's searchable via Mystic Tomato. It slips under Level Limit-Area B/Gravity Bind. It can use Opti-Camouflage Armor, an optional card in this deck.

Mystic Tomato
DARK Searcher

This works in two ways for this deck. 1. Summoning another Mystic Tomato to beef up Necro. And 2. Summoning Necro.

Giant Germ; Nimble Momonga; Bubonic Vermin; Troop Dragon
Fiend/Dark; Beast/Earth; Beast/Earth; Dragon/Wind
1000/100/2*; 1000/100/2*; 900/600/3*; 700/800/2*
Opponent loses 500 when destroyed by battle and Spec. Summon more Giant Germs from deck in ATK; Gain 1000 when destroyed by battle and Spec. Summon more Nimble Momongas from deck in f/d DEF; FLIP: Spec. Summon 1 Bubonic Vermin from deck in f/d DEF; When destroyed, Spec. Summon 1 Troop Dragon from deck in ATK or DEF

These are the main deck thinners to beef up your Necro. Run 3 of each.

The Agent of Creation - Venus; Mystical Shine Ball
Fairy/Light; Fairy/Light
1600/0/3*; 500/500/2*
Pay 500 you Spec. Summon 1 Mystical Shine Ball from hand or deck; Normal Monster

A measly 1500 LP won't hurt for 3 monsters/900 ATK for Necro. Since you'll be running Momongas, you'll gain that LP back, with 100% interest too!!!

Spear Dragon; Giant Orc; Goblin Attack Force
Dragon/Wind; Fiend/Dark; Warrior/Earth
1900/0/4*; 2200/0/4*; 2300/0/4*
Trample and switches to DEF after Battle Phase; Switches to DEF after Battle Phase and can't switch to ATK manually on your next turn

Pick any one of these three cards for a little beatdown. I, personally, picked Spear Dragon for the Trample, but it's up to you. The DEF will make, yes, make your opponent attack them since a Kuriboh can kill it.

Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu
FLIP: Equip Spell Searcher

This is mandatory for grabbing Opti-Camo Armor. The Opti-Camo Armor is optional, so if you run it in this deck, don't run this either, and replace them for the other two monsters mentioned above that you didn't pick.

Opti-Camouflage Armor
Only Level 1 can be equipped and can attack directly.

Since Necro is your only Level 1 monster, it's obvious who you'll equip this to.

Painful Choice
Opponent picks 1 of 5 cards from your deck (your choice from deck) to add to your hand and discard the rest.

An easy 1200 ATK for Necro.

Foolish Burial (JPN card)
Discard 1 Monster from your deck.

Usually, this is for Spear/Orc/GAF or Venus. Run 3 (if you can). If you can't, run cards that have you discard.

Now, for the deck example. Unlike my Inpachi deck, this one is according to the bans (view the Ban/Restricted section for details):

Monsters (all Non-Tribute)

Chaos Necromancer x3
Giant Germ x3
Nimble Momonga x3
Bubonic Vermin x3
Troop Dragon x3
Spear Dragon x3
The Agent of Creation - Venus x3
Mystical Shine Ball x3
Mystic Tomato x3
Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu x3


Pot of Greed
Foolish Burial x3
Painful Choice
Premature Burial
Opti-Camouflage Armor x3


Call of the Haunted

Total: 40

Traps slow this deck down, but Call is in there for reviving Necro incase all 3 end up in the Grave, as is Premature. Those are for NECRO ONLY!!!!!

All E-mails go to Testaros25@aol.com if you want to ask me something about this deck, the Inpachi Deck, or any other decks I'll be reviewing.