Oddball Anti-Chaos- Brendan
Hi pojo is really awesome and the person/people in chasrge os TCG Tips is awesome.
I know that you already know about kycoo and gravekeeper decks but I have a few new oddball ones I would like to share with you.
1-Deck Destruction   
Cards like needle worm and cyber jar do heavy damage against chaos decks.  Do you know why?  Because of all the speed in a chaos deck.  Average chaos decks use PoG, Airknight, Graceful, Painful and searchers to thin the deck further.  Also, with yata the cards in their hand would start to build up.  So by the time they activated their drawing/deck thinning cards and you used your worms, zaloogs, and jars, they are out of cards!
This one isn't as much as an oddball but you still see kycoo more than drop off-right?
3-D. D.
If you read my other posted article (if it got posted) you would know what this deck-type is.  No cards in your opponent's graveyard means no chaos summons.
Also in another article.  You you soul release and then set fiber.  Simple as that (also include searchers to get fiber and more cards that rempve from play like D. D. warrior Lady). 
Also there is one card that destroys decks buils around a card: Prohibition.  With no BLS or CED you get a good advantage.  The bad part is that it is vulnerable to S/T removal.
the closing tip of the day is that another replacement for MST is Dust Tornado
E-mail me at Elquigifts@attglobal.net      
Loida Rosario