Peanut STOP COMPLAINING!!! The Story!
So how you guys doin' in pojo land? It's your good friend Peanut here ready to bring you another fun filled article! Today's topic is on people complaining about "Un-Originality". I wanted too address most of the people who say "Chaos/Control/Beatdown is UNSTOPABLE!!!" etc. I would like too tel you alittle story...
Once upon a time, there was a boy, he was EXTREMELY good lookin' and was VERY single at the moment. He played a game called Yu-Gi-Oh! with his friends every sunday at a place called "Galactic Good's". At this place he would hang out and play the game of Yu-Gi-Oh! for hours at a time, then some trouble maker's came along and started playing a new deck type simply call "Chaos". Horro insued, everyone there except for a SELECT few INCLUDING this handsome young man played this new deck type, something HAD too be done! This boy contacted a friend named "Brent" and his girlfriend and fellow KICK ASS Yu-Gi-Oh! player "Lizzy" too do something, they decided that they would run ORIGINAL decks and would TARNISH the name of "Chaos". Brent was armed with a Warrior deck with a splash of Black Luster Soldier - Eotb. Lizzy was armed with a Deck Destruction Stall deck FILLED with Jars, Insects, And Night Assailant's. Ricky the Most prettiest out of the group (LMFAO) was armed with...well he could not decide, so he went with brents idea, and chose warrior with a "splash of Black Luster Soldier - Eotb.". So they went to the battle grounds, challenged the lame brained chaos duelist, and armed wiht only a captain, a worm, and a dark scorpian, they owned yata, ced, and bls!
TRANSLATION: Me and my buddys went on to make kick ass deckout decks and warrior decks too own chaos with! Many came with their "Yata-Garasu" And their "Dragon" and we struck back with brents marauding captain, my don zaloog and lizzy EXTREMELY expensive worms, lol.
The over-all moral of this "story" is that we can beat chaos becaus:
Me          Them
Warrior    Chaos
It DOES not matter if they have awesome cookie-cutters, ONLY if YOU can have TRUE skill will you defeat them with your ORIGINAL deck...
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