Thunder Dragons (Hit and Run) - Rokuro

Thunder Dragons (Hit and Run) - Rokuro

Have previously set Aqua Chorus, Curse of Anbuis, Meteor Rain and Return from the Differnt Dimesion face-down. Then discard 1 Thunder Dragon from your hand to bring 2 more to your hand. Then play polymerization to fuse them into Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon. Then activate Aqua Chorus then use Soul Release of your graveyard, removing your 3 Thunder Dragon's from play, activate Curse of Anbuis and then Return from the D.D. bring your 3 Dragons Back and with an attack of 2100 each, and thanks to Curse of Anbuis and Meteor Rain, there monsters have 0 def and your monster have Fairy Meteor Crush. Thats 2100 x3 + 2800. That's Game rite there, well if they have any lp left your Thunder Dragons go out of play. Hit and Run. and you still have you Twin-Headed on the field.

Note that CoA only work's on effect monsters..

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