poast ban deck idea

what is up pojo people. with the new ban list coming out soon i was wanting to get a deck ready to compete with and this is what i came up with.
monsters 14
spell canceller
2x spear dragon
2x kycoo the ghost destroyer
2x gearfried the iron knight
reflect bounder
tribe infecting virus
d.d. warrior lady
exiled force
cyber jar
sinister serpent
spell 15
3x fissure
3x hammer shot
2x nobleman of crossout
pot of greed
change of heart
snatch stael
mystical space typhoon
heavy storm
premature burial
swords of revealing light
traps 11
2x dust tornadoe
2x magic drain
magic cylinder
widespread ruin
ring of destruction
solemn judgement
torrential tribute
call of the haunted
total 40
now if you would like to use this as a deck of your own i have no problem with that or if you have any ideas of some changes that might help the deck you can email them to me at the email address below.
good luck;) from the person who wrote the article.
--- clgriffin1988@earthlink.net