Master of Magicians Falls

DNA cards and Comics

Pacifica, California

March, 2, 2003

81 Participants 38 Exzodia

Most unique deck:"Ultamite toon deck" FISH Most dumbest deck:Girl deck…By Summon Kid that hit puperty

Most deadly deck:"Zombieblast" by Roy Luckiest draw:4 pieces of exzodia, and back up solider. By guess

Worst Draw:2 POLIS, dark magician, 2 grave robbers: Master of Magicians

Ok this sucks I got robed. I lost my LON cards, well only 2 packs 2 super rares, oh well 8 bucks big deal.

Master of Magicians Deck(46)

Monsters: (22)

3x Maha Valios

2x Neo the magicswordsman

2x mystical Elf

2x Aqua Madoor

2x Cosmo Queen

2x Rogue Doll

1x Dark Elf

1x Witch of the Black Forest

1x Jinzo*

1x Dark Magician

1x Mystical Sheep #1

1x Thousand-eyes Idol

1x Relinqueshed

1x Tainted Wisdom

1x Ancient Brain

Magics: (18)

3x Malevolent Nuzzler

2x Black Illuision Ritual

2x Poli

1x Raigeki

1x Dark Hole

1x Change of Heart

1x Monster Reborn

1x Snatch Steal

1x Horn of the Unicorn

1x Luminous Spark

1x Tribute to the Doomed

1x Pot of Greed

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Rush Recklessly

Traps: (6)

1x Waboku

1x Magicial Hats

1x chain destruction

1x Spellbinding Circle

2x Graverobber

Ah yes I am back this week, with a lose that is so me. Well what happened was I went up against the #4 guy… Either Exzodia or the # 5 opr above duelest in the shop… I hate my life.

Round 1 – Master of Magicians(Jinzo) vs. Surge(Goblin attack force)

Ok this is #$%^ing gay. I get out my Cosmo Queen first turn. I used Black illiusion ritual and moster reborned her. Oh yes this #$%^ing sucks. Goblin attack force, pot of greed, and 2 tribute to the dooms, and Prematur Baural and a monster reborn. 3 attacks… he used another card to get Pot of greed back. That is so freaken gay anti it… he cheated I know it.

Round 2 – Master of Magicians(Jinzo) vs. Surge(Goblin attack force)

GOD DAMN IT!!!!!! NOT POSIBBLE HE HAS 40 CARDS AND GETS OUT JINZO FIRST TURN!!!! Card D and reborn + Goblin again!!!! God ^&*#ing damn it I CAN’T PLAY A *&^%ing MONSTER!!!!!

Props & Slops:




- Everything

- Some kid pulling off Exzodia first turn almost…

- The kids for learning how to cheat with no judge being able to call it…