10 Simples rules to successful dueling






#1, creating combos within your decks that are easy to use (easy to draw the cards) and is lower in numbers of cards.

Eg. Amz Pally, with mirror and amz archer (trap) This combo could clear a field very easily with lil draw backs and is EASY to get out onto the field.


#2, Think BEFORE you play. THINK!!! If u are goin to set a monster.. set it in main phase 2... so u dont become a victum of cards such as fibra jar... ;P Check for traps 2... they r a pain


#3, A Well Balanced deck is always very IMPORTANT. If u can't draw the cards u need... u r a gonner...


#4, Dont protect your monsters with ur life.. waste "some" lifepoint.

Ex.. U have a newdora on the field.. and a call of the hunted in ur graveyard..

but they have a jinzo...


SUCIDE UR NEWDORA!!!!! ITs great for a direct hit.. and u actually can turn the duel around if u pay some lifepoint.


#5, NEVER EVER GIVE UP, It is the dumbest thing to do.. u will never know what i will end up with next turn.


#6, Know ur rules.. Self Explained...


#7, Know ur own strength and weakenss..

Eg. Fiends: Strength- Crazy attk Weakness- lil defence.


#8 Explore the FULL POWER of ALL of Ur COMMON Cards.. as the game of YuGiOh is aging, so is the useage of cards.. as we have all notice.. the might of common cards are rising to a new height.


#9, Do your math before you attk..


#10... to anyone with a lot of money but have no idea how to play:

Learn with commons and a **no soo good* deck first.. once you have the skillz than improve on ur cards.

Trust me this helps.