Maybe a new rule for beatdown bashers ... - Left Shoe

There are a lot of people (and good arguments) for both sides of this Beatdown deck debate.
This issue isn't going to be resolved easily, not by a long shot.
I've had this idea for a while now, and I haven't seen any serious problems with it (yet).
What if Upper Deck and/or Konami issues a new ruling that participants in sanctioned
tournaments must have 15 or less cards in their deck that are Restricted (one per deck).
This would eliminate the 'all-restricted' beatdown (35+ Restricted cards; it does exist!)
as well as a large part of the obscenely high power-ups associated with some of the
beatdown patterns.  The average non-beatdown pattern deck will (most likely) not be affected.  This 'glass ceiling' concept will probably keep most duelists (in sanctioned tournaments) from being too obsessively powerful and whatnot, so that most duelists are
all on the same page.
Do you think it could work?  Is it useless?
If you have a life-threatening problem with this little idea of mine, my e-mail is:
(Please name the e-mail "For Left Shoe: from yournamehere" so I know to save it)
                                                                                                                Left Shoe