Zup cool catz, Im not hear to rant or complane, just to
help. But anyway I run Exodia and I have a few tips for anyone who
plays, or is wanting to play, an Exodia deck if you want a speed Exodia the
whole Elma combo can really work if you throw some "Iorn Blacksmith Kouetsu"s
in there to help out that whole getting out the Butterfly Dagger alot faster.
If you are planning to use Exodia Necross as a first resort, dont it really
isint that great of a card, I have two but side deck one as a last
resort. And try to get your hands on a reload, it can help no matter
howmanny peaces you got in your hand.
Guardian Sphinx is also a good idea
to stop those pesky high attackers.
But if your trying to make a
stall Exodia, Throw in some Spirit reapers they are awsome in Def mode and
dont be shy to play some 2100 Def. they really help agaist those beatdown
monsters, and its always a good idea to sidedeck in between the both to keep
your opponet on his feet and guessing for how he is comming out
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