The truth about deck building-louie, aka-yami kaiba

since this is my first ccg ran/tip i would like to introduce myself, my name is Louie (AKA Yami Kaiba) and i run a chaos dragon deck. one of the things i love to see in a deck is when some one makes it out of there favorite stratagy  or type of monster. i love originality expecially when someone can make it work.
    i think that a deck should have  a peice of the person who built it  in it. the person should built his/her  deck out of thier favorite cards or type of cards(spellcaster, dragon, insect, warrior etc).if you build your deck like everyone else what is the point. Are you really having fun when you know that u copied your deck from some duelist with a typical yata burn not putting down those decks im just saying there already over used . You should have fun in playing yugioh and i think its more fun if you win with a deck you put your heart into, then a deck that so many people use (meaning beatdown decks, control decks, etc).
    my friend runs a stictly zombie deck, and he has found a way to  overwhelm you with 4-5 zombies  in a matter of a 2-3 turns. my other friend runs a magician deck and i run a dragon deck we have both won several tornaments and beaten out those staple beatdown decks and the control decks. what i mean by this is any type of deck can and will work but its up to you to make your deck work
note---staples are good to use if you have them(i mean who would turn down a riegeki in there deck)
just make it unique,make it your own.
comments or deck help feel free to email me at 
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