Volume 1 water decks Article #3
      Hello everybody, how are you all doin, my name is ramin aNd i am a water duelist who stikes from every angle,shadow, light without fear.well not really,but i could if i wanted to also if you don't have a water deck don't right about them cause your messing the deck up.you may notice the volumes i will write 1 to 4 article on different decks and cards so look out for me. so this is volume1.I had a site with my friend for awhile but we decided to close it. so now on to WATER STUFF.You may know me such articles as Water deck-raming and water deck cont-raming both placed in the march 2004 section of ccg so go read them. Also  next time i will write about Exodia or beatdown or not. due to the  emails of exodia ,beatdown and i need you people to help me. I want to use the people at homes idea of these or maybe a deck.SO taday i will talk about great  top 5 water deck combos, How to get and what to use water cards,  Face off:between tornado wall and gravity bind.with pros and cons. finally look into the future with the thrid installment in gagagigo- gogiga gagagigo
First of water deck combos
top five water combos(note umi & tornado,Levia and umi, and legndary fiserman,etc and umi will not be in this because they must be used to gather
5)creature swap and sinister serphant-attack and get it back
4)jinzo and legendary fisherman- the only this that can kill the fisherman is effects.
3)sinister serphant and tribe and gravity bind- more like a duh
2)aqua spirt and any level five or six-funnest thing to see jinzo on your first turn
1)A legendary ocean and every water card out there-did you forget probably not my persoal favorite is giga gagagigo. my bro hates when i bring them out
How to get water cards and what to get.
well basicly you make a water deck is you like them or you don't want to waste money to get the  best card in the whole wide world.if you do buy $40 dollars worth of cards take a break catch up with reality or let it catch up to you. now basicly to get water cards most of the cards you need are gonna be common.so if you dont go to a tornament find one and make new friends.they will probably be happy to give you a tornado wall (probably not because they are the hardest to get, took me 2 months to get two)
if not trade them along with other trades you might do. or you can buy them from some kid for a quarter. or trade rares for them.
these are the ones you might want to get(commons)
Sea Serpant warrior of Darkness
 anphibious bugoth/ i personal hate on this card don't like it
7 colored fish
tornado wall
those are basicly the water deck.
face off; tornado wall and gravity bind which is the big dog of a water deck
tornado wall is basicly a water staple.
+stops all battle damage
and cons
-doesn't stop other damage
-jinzo owns it
-umi has to be on the field
-if umi is destroyed or moved some where its gone
-useless if you get it with out umi as in the "heart of the cards" moment
Gravity another water staple
+stops all but one 4 or higher
+activated any time
+with umi only your strong monsters can attack
+amphibous bugoth combo
and cons
-doesn't stop damage
-jinzo owns
-your look opun as a panzy while using it
-your even stronger monsters can't attack 5 to 4
-it can skrew you over if your not paying attention
-without umi youll just be skipping your turn
-has made me deck out
so who is better if i were to rate tornado wall i would give it a 4.5/5 in water decks
and i would giv gravity bind a 4/5
if you want to see my deck head over to march section of ccg and click on water deck continued-raming or just email me
Now finally look into the future
gogiga gagagigo yes his name is longer

If you thought he was a bad ass then look at him now
the strongest water monster in the game second strongest normal monster
level 8 /water/reptile/2950 atk/2800 def/308-001
this took me along time to find then i bought it of ebay $1.oo ands scanned it
if he was level seven well you get the picture
i still don't know if im gonna put it in my deck since it comes out in ancient sancuary if  any know the date of the release of ancient sanctuary please email me

don’t get destoryed and have fun. If you liked my advice or tell how my article changed your life or ruined it send me an email. . Also if some one request me to write a new article about a different deck a’ll be right on it. And ti will be out when the pojo staff puts it up.And if i had to rate a water deck i would give it a water deck 9.5/10. i may have more follow ups but you guys at home have to tell first.Also if you need any help with your deck or you want me to review it i am here.i will also send an email the next day or next week.This has been an article by


raming7@yahoo.com                     stay cool peace out

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