Subject: Where have all the promos gone?


Well, looks like I'm back again to give a little more insight concerning the differences between the Japanese and English game. Today, we're going to take a look at promotional cards or rather, the lack there of. Now, I know some of you must be thinking to yourself, "But we have alot of great promos." In actuallity, you don't. The English game has about an eighth (rough estimate) of the promos the Japanese game does.


Now, why aren't English duelists getting the promos they deserve? Well, there's a few reasons and the most pressing is the unholy tournament packs. Cards that should be easier to obtain then they are, I.E. any given TP Ultra, are near impossible to come by. 1:108 packs is just "slightly" insane, considering what you have to go through to obtain a pack in the first place. Yu-Gi-Oh! strategy guides are another part of the problem. Nearly every Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh strategy guide came packed with at least 1 or 2 promos.

Finally, the lack of Premium Packs, Limited Edition Packs and Value Books (no, I don't consider the Shonen Jump alternate art cards worthwhile promos) is yet another reason why many of you will never get to play with some of the game's greatest cards.


I will admit that some useful promos have been released in the American Yu-Gi-Oh! video games or as hobby secret rares. The following come to mind...


Harpy's Feather Duster

Sinister Serpent

Ring of Destruction

Magical Cylinders


While those are some very useful cards, the list of very useful unreleased promos, far exceed it...


Death Guardius

Holy Beast Selket

Pharaoh's Shrine

Executioner Makyura

Blade Knight

Devil's Sanctuary

Metal Reflect Slime

Avatar of Apophis

Reversed Worlds

Sixth Sense

Magician of Black Chaos

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Chaos Soldier

Curse of Pain

Iron Cage of Nightmares

Death Vorstagalf

Gilford the Lightning

Mimic Illusionist

Sphere Bomb



Ok... I think the above cards prove my point. In any case, I hope UD/Konami rethinks their promo distribution strategy, so that at least some of these cards make it overseas. As always, thank you for taking your time to read my rant.


                               ~ Bass and Treble


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