Two part tip: Originality and the Heart of the Game, not cards,by an Old Duelist
    Hello fellow duelist that may be reading my tip. First off, I'd like to thank for their wonderful contribution to this game, and Pook for his awesome articles.
     Now on to what my article is about. The first part will be about originality and not cheating or stealing in this game (please hear me out). And this article will be about the heart of this wonderful game called Yu-Gi-Oh.
    Originality is the key to keep this game alive and kicking for years to come, because I believe this game has great potential. Bonz Ishtar had the right idea when he wrote about Dr. Pepper and Yu-Gi-Oh, but I would like to take that a step farther. People's choice in deck can be related to what pop/soda (depends on where you live) they drink. The people who use beatdowns or chaos decks are the pepsi/coke drinkers. I'm not saying pepsi/coke drinkers all use those kinds of decks, I'm just making a comparison for easy understanding. They think those are the best so they're gonna use it, end of discussion. People who use control decks would be the sprite/root beer drinkers since they are main stream but different then the dominators. Keeping with what they think is good, but not being a Cola drone. The people who use burn, swarm, removal, or a theme would be the grape/orange drinkers since they're popular but not the most dominant. Everyone else would be the Dr. Pepper/Cream Soda society which is where I fit in. I love cream soda! Original and different, seperate from the pack these are my people. I use a graveyard deck which I've never seen before. Let people use what they want just remember, if somehow, everyone uses the same deck, this game will die. Don't worry, people have their preferences, you can change people, just let them sample the other drinks and see what they like. "Let them drink pop!" See if you know where I got that from.
    Next I want to bash the cheaters and thiefs if that would be okay. It is because of the cheaters and thiefs (mostly) that people stop playing this game. All my friends have quit for this reason, and that's why I've been forced to online dueling. If it gets worst, then the thefts and cheaters won't have no game to cheat at and nothing to steal.
Now on to the most important part: the heart of this game. This is a game, therefore you should have fun playing it, use what deck you like, as long as you have as much fun as possible. The dueling society shrinks and grows everyday. There are clans, tournaments, and world wide meetings. This IMO is the best game to be apart of at the moment. I urge anyone who reads my article, to convince at least one other person to pick this game up. Help them out, give them some starting cards, because together, we can make a difference. I don't want to see this game die, this is by far the best card game I've ever played and I've played everyone of them (Magic, Pokemon, Magi-Nation) but none come close to the complexity of Yu-Gi-Oh. We have the great awesome duelists, the middle class duelists, rich duelist, noobies (I love you guys, just send me an E-mail if you ever need help), the hippie duelist, the cool duelist, the serious/crazy ones, it just goes on and on like a city. This game is about making friends, having fun, and being together. I'm sorry if that sounds honosexual but it's true, it's darn true. Let's keep this going even when all the sets are out and the show is over, you have the ability, don't be afraid.
Please send me your opinion of my article. Do you agree? Disagree? I want to hear from YOU because you can make a difference
E-mail: Rduelist
my names Bo and I'm a real duelist