Pyros The Return of the Burn - Ryan
Ok first I want to thank everyone for all the fan mail, comments, questions, and everything on my first 2 articles (1)water decks are the best and 2) the amazing butterfly dagger)
2nd I checked with the judge and they did change the ruling on the Butterfly no more "time lock." (It is interesting however that 3 different official judges at 3 different official tournaments told me it was shows how much they know...) But thats ok b/c a real duelist doesn't need cheap lock's like yata or time to win! (and with a properly done dagger deck you won't need the lock anyways...)
As promised I am writing this week about the "Burn Deck." Now I know that almost everyone who is reading this is going to say that burn decks aren't deck worthy anymore. Well if you will have an open mind and be willing to try to go down the road less traveled you will see that they are more than just deck worthy...if done right they can be devastating!!!
Now most burn decks are a thing of the past and if you are playing one it probably doesn't revolve around the fire theme...(think stealth birds, wave motion cannon, immortal of thunder, barrel behind the door, RoD, Magical Cylinder, or Ceasefire...Now there's nothing wrong with this deck strategy and it works really good brother played this and came in 1st 2 weeks in a row.) But what I want to talk about is a return to the original burn deck. If you read my previous articles you know I play 2 decks (water and dagger) however a burn deck made right can be just as dangerous (basicially the difference between the water and fire is with water I attack directly with fire I do direct damage...same idea but 2 different tools...)
I don't know why a lot of people don't like AST!!! Its just as good or not BETTER than IOC!!! (Here me out 1st b4 sending the hatemail...Chaos has their 2 monsters, but they also added a lot of support for deck types...LeviaDragon and Strike Ninja are good examples...its not my fault everyone copies each other...the blind leading the blind...) Well AST did this as well. 1st zombies get a boost with a lot of cards and so do water. But Like I said I'm here to talk about FIRE TODAY!!!
First off lets look at Prominence Dragon. It can be special summoned by ufo turtle, it can't be attacked if there is another pyro on the field and your opponent loses 500 lp's a turn...(so if you get 2 of these on the field its a miniature Maruading Captian Lock with 1000 burn...can you say nice!)
2nd is The Thing in the Crater. When this card gets destroyed you can special summon another pyro to the field!!! (This strategy me I did it with Insect Hopper one week at the was great!) Pyros lets think: there's Fire Princess, Thing in the Crater, Promince Dragon, and I think UFO Turtle is one too but I don't have one on me right now to check.
The 3rd card is the main reason why Pure Fire Burn Decks should come back! It is the amazing Backfire! Now for those of you who don't know Backfire is a permanent trap and it does 500 damage to your opponent for each fire monster of yours that is destroyed. (this also plays games with their mind...they won't be sure if they should destroy your monster or Obviously a pure fire deck would be running mostly fire cards (say 80% that leaves room for Cyber, SS, WotBF, and Sangan.
Last is Lava Golem but I'm sure you already figured that out.
Now to make this deck work you need to get a lot of lp cards. Try playing 2 or 3 Wheel Of Nightmares and 2 Mask of the Acursed (heres a free punch at me...if you play against a field type deck like water or Sanctuary of the Sky add in Mask of Dispel) Also play Magical Cylinder and its new counterpart Draining Shield. You could add in a Ceasefire or WMC also. You might want to take out your IO and other M Negators and run a few Curse of Darkness...(isn't that great with this and Backfire they will be thinking twice about attacking and playing magic cards...)
Now I know what your thinking...these cards are not deckworthy...well let me give you a clue...if they win tournaments where everyone plays the current metagame then they ARE DECKWORTHY! If nothing else you have the element of surprise and your opponent won't know what exactly what to expect! Are you tired of everyone playing 3 Drop Offs...well get revenge and play 3 Solemn Wishes! (its not like they have a side deck or no worries about anyone playing Bad Reaction to Smoochie)
Now if your still reading this far down I will explain WHY THIS DECK WORKS. First off most of the so called "GOOD" cards nowadays cost lifepoints...(think Del. Duo, M. Scientist, CED, Confiscation, IFL and so on...well thats 6000 lp's right there...Add in a RoD on a Berseck Gorrilla and its game over) Now if you are constantly burning away their's they can't afford to play hand disruption and with the right protection you will be save from Beatdowns.
Well I hope that helped anyone who wants to return to their old Burn Decks. Like I said I run Water, but I also encourage originality and creativity so I don't mind helping other people come up with cool strategies. (PS theres a new combo that I though of and I want to see if anyone will try it...if you do tell me how it works...its Curse of Darkness with Spell Economics. Now spell eco. is nice enough anyways b/c you can play D.D., Con, Autonamious Action Unit, or Premature Burial FOR FREE, but with Curse of Darkness your opponent will lose 1000 lp's for each magic card they play...while you won't have to pay anything!)
One last thing. If you want to run a burn, but not a pure fire one this are 2 new cards that are very good for this...they are the 2 scissors...forgot the names...ones lv 4 and ones lv 5 or 6) They are also machines so it would be great to have a little more burn affect in machine decks, just in case you wanted to know.
Well thats all for today's article! Sorry about all the long ranting and everything, but someone had to say some of the stuff I said. (PS everyone stop complaining about yata...I know its a great card and all, but there are other combos that are just as good...Scientist or Dagger comes to
I'm thinking for my next article I will write about the Sanctuary of the Sky cards and their Angel Counterparts. I've heard a lot of people complain b/c there were no new "good" cards in the set...(what they are really saying is there are no new beatdown monsters like Berseck Gorrilla...its not even that Off Limits LV B to kill it... Well the truth is these NEW CARDS are amazing!!! They have a weird hybrid like have your burn, your huge attackers, your no damage (think Tornado Wall...for Fairys...) yeah its that good and its all rolled up in one. Now this deck revolves around lp gain which is a great strategy that has been abanded by a lot of people...) So let me know what you think. If I get enough responses or questions I will Write about it!
Ryan <><
Questions, Comments, Tips, etc write me at

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