The Ban List - Why you should love it. -The Dark Llama
This article is all about why the ban list is not going to be a bad thing for the game, and why we should like it!
For reference, the banned cards will be:
Injection Fairy Lilly
Cyber Jar
Fiber Jar
Delinquent Duo
Painful Choice
Change of Heart
Harpie's Feather Duster
Imperial Order
So, basically, you have a lot of cards there that are commonly played. Raigeki and HFD are definitely in all decks who can afford one, and the rest are less common, as they don't fit in every deck type.
Anyway, I was amazed to see in one of the July tips a quote like this: "what will the banlist do? It will decimate any original deck." And I ask myself, does no one read what they type? Let me familiarize you with the words "original deck". It means that it isn't like any oher deck. It is a type of deck or series of cards/combos that the builder thought of. So, if the builder were truely original, then they wouldn't need the so-called staples like HFD and Raigeki, and their originality could easily cope for losing them.
The ban list, like another poster said, will do wonders for YGO like it did in Pokemon. Pokemon rotated out entire sets, not just a handful of cards at a time. How would you play if suddenly all of LOB-LON (the no longer printed sets) were suddenly banned? Most decks would cease to be. With that you would lose WotBF, Sangan, Dark Magician, Pot of Greed, IO, Raigeki, Cyber Jar, Yata, Delinquent Duo, Painful Choice, Change of Heart, Lily, Tyrant Dragon, just to name a few.
This ban list will encourage some new originality in the game, forcing people to try something different, and not take the cheap cards like Raigeki for granted. Try something your own way. I've heard about people editing their decks to be ready for the ban, and I applaud them. Take the initiative now, and have experience playing with the replacement cards, so that you can see what works and what doesn't. That way, you will be far ahead of the kids who are caught off guard when the ban DOES hit our shores.
Most of the cards on the list are there for a reason. Most of them give you a huge advantage usually for little or no drawbacks. HFD/Raigeki have no side effects. Delinquent Duo is 1000 LP to get rid of 2 cards. Fiber Jar is the infamous reset button, abused? Oh yes. Total abuse is found in IO, the no-cost Magic Jammer. Cyber Jar is a Dark Hole fused with a 5-card Pot of Greed. Lily and Life Absorbtion Machine = Ownage. Change of Heart? Take your monster and summon my V-Lord. Yata? Dont get me started. Painful Choice is the only one I'll be sad to see go, as it is a core card in Exodia.
We should be relieved that all the abuse can no longer happen. You've probably played against most of these cards, and you know how annoying they can be. You should be happy they will no longer work their evils. use Heavy Storm instead of HFD. Dark Hole instead of Raigeki. So what if you get affected by them too? Use your originality and make up for the loss.
I applaud Konami for making this decision, I applaud original deck players, and I applaud people changing their decks now instead of waiting.
Thank you, and that is all.
The Dark Llama
oh, and btw- For anyone considering posting here in the future, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! try using both Spell/Grammar Check and that key on the far right of the keyboard labelled "Enter" or "Return". Reading one giant block of text with every non-Yu-Gi-Oh word spelled wrong is very tiresome. I dont mean to sound like a mother, but proper spelling and grammar are good things to share..