Ranting and Raving about Bans, try 'Buyingcardsandnotbeing-acheapidiot-enol'
          Is anybody else sick of these stupid duelists that are saying, "yeah, let's do the bans!"?  If you are one of these people, I have one thing to say to you, give it up!  They are going to do the bans, but we know that now, there will be two formats, so you idiots who hate Yata so much can go to some wussy tournament and try your decks out without some cards that even you use, like change of heart, a common, mind you (well, there is an Ultra Rare, but it comes in every starter deck), you will have to get more expensive cards like Snatch Steal and Creature Swap, did you ever think of that?? 
Well that is just my first on for pojo.com, I will bring plenty more, anyone want to argue with me, send me your emails at Tubakid69@yahoo.com!