a new original, competative deck
I have recenently sold all of my good holos(like yata) for a large sum of money.  Following that event, I went home, gathered up my commons and my half @$$ set
of staples.  A rageki, ring, sinister, imperial, pot, graceful, and thats it.  There are some decks that only need that or maybe less, but a certain deck came to mind.  I went out to buy three promo packs of IOC.  Two lava golems and cylinder.  Man, crap if ive ever seen it, actually, i wanted golem, but cylinders would work in the deck.  I made a burner, and have won every tourney since.  If you are interested, email me.  It's a very cheap low budget deck, and there are no cards i can think of in the future that are rare and you need to have.  Also, there are only two cards that are getting banned in this deck, and other cards getting banned to make this deck more powerful.  Email me at whiterap505@aol.com or reallylameloser@aol.com if you are interested, or think i am dumb.