Deck Idea-DuelinMasta
Yo, all you peeps out there.  I'm here with an idea that, stunningly, nobody has seem to catch on to.  The Type/Attribute deck.  Yes, that's monsters with the same Type AND Attribute.  I run a Dark/Warrior, and it works great.  Here are a few examples to help get my point across:

Dark/Fiend--Opticlops, Archfiend Soldier, Dark Necrofear, etc.
Earth/Warrior--Marauding Captain, Goblin Attack Force, Black Luster Soldier, etc.
Dark/Warrior--Don Zaloog, Strike Ninja, Mataza the Zapper, etc.

Getting it yet?  The point here is that you gain the advantage of both an Attribute deck and a Type deck.  Of course, things like Jinzo or whatever monsters people consider "staples" are exceptions; to each his/her own.  These kind of decks have tremendous power if built correctly, though, so give it a shot and improve that lame old stuff and maybe try something besides Chaos.  :-P  I'm not expecting anyone to do this, but it would be nice to see lots of different stuff, especially with all the wack stuff from Ancient Sanctuary.  I already got a Blowback Dragon and am attempting a Dark/Machine deck.  People, please, if this didn't give you an idea, copy mine, it's not like they're gonna be twins.  :-P

Until next time,

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