A couple of notewothry ideas for IOC cards

ok i havent checked ALL the tips but i did notice two combos i thought everyone should give a little credit to.
first off you need at least two cards from IOC. zero gravity and dark mirror force
when your opponent declares an attack (best scenario vs. beatdown deck) active dark mirror force. as it is not a

counter trap, you can chain zero gravity to it. zero gravity resolves first then dark mirror force. OW!!!!
CHOAS BOUND: chaos sorcerer with a gravity bind deck
the title on this one should be self explainitory. chaos sorcerer ABUSES in a graity bind deck! its a "rope-a-dope"

technique, to be sure, but once hes got his fodder in the graveyard, flip a gavity bind and bring him out. add a

sasuke samurai for face downs and its a one way beat down!
well theres my first "contribution" to the tips section. i hope it helps someone out.