Rhuiz's Unnofficial rulings of the Egyptian God cards

by Rhuiz Patina


Obelisk the Tormentor

Divine-Beast/Effect-Type/DIVINE/10 Stars/ATK 4000/DEF 4000

Effect:This card can only be special summoned by offering 3 monsters on your side of the field as tributes. This is considered a tribute summon. As long as this monster remains face-up on the field, it is unnafected by ANY Spell cards, Trap cards, or monster effects. Once per turn, during your battle phase, you may tribute 2 monsters on your side of the field to destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field and inflict 4000 points of direct damage to your opponent's life points. No monsters(including this card) may attack on the same turn that this effect is activated.


Winged Dragon of Ra

Divine-Beast/Effect-Type/DIVINE/10 Stars/ATK ????/DEF ????

Effect:This card can only be special summoned by offering 3 monsters on your side of the field as tributes. This is considered a tribute summon. As long as this monster remains face-up on the field, it is unnafected by ANY Spell cards, Trap cards, or monster effects. The total ATK and DEF of the 3 monsters used to tribute summon this card becomes this card's ATK and DEF. Once per turn, during, your main phase, you may pay as many life points as you want as long as you have 1 life point left to increase this card's ATK and DEF by the number of life points payed.


Slifer the Sky Dragon

Divine-Beast/Effect-Type/DIVINE/10 Stars/ATK X000/DEF X000

Effect:This card can only be special summoned by offering 3 monsters on your side of the field as tributes. This is considered a tribute summon. As long as this monster remains face-up on the field, it is unnafected by ANY Spell cards, Trap cards, or monster effects. This card's ATK and DEF is equal to the number of cards in the controller's hand times 1000. Every time your opponent summons a monster on his/her side of the field in attack position, decrease that monster's ATK by 2000. After this effect is activated, if the monster's ATK equals 0, destroy the monster immediately. Every time your opponent sets(or special summons) a monster in defense position, decrease that monster's DEF by 2000. If the monster is face-down, flip it face-up in defense position. After this effect is activated, if the monster's DEF equals 0, destroy the monster immediately.


If you have any questions, e-mail me at: rhuiz89@yahoo.com