Unpopular but ever present deck types - Viper2
Whats more fun than winning?  The answer, of course, is how you get there.  Without a proper method, the end result is skewed and not really worth attaining.  Here are a few deck ideas and how ot properly play them:

Cannon Soldier Deck
This deck's great.  Scapegoat, Gilasaurus, Cannon Soldier, Peten, Last Will, Troop Dragon, Twin-Headed Behemoth, Watapon, and Grave Protector make up the essentials.  Watapon/Cannon Soldier/Last Will/Grave Protector is a great combo, and the others just serve as various awesome baits to chunk with Cannon Soldier.  You could turn it into a OTK, but those are cheap in my opinion.

Trap Deck
Another awesome deck type, this one runs 12+ traps to try and create a powerful control element, since the only thing really negating traps is Jinzo.  Curse of Darkness, Magic Drain, Ceasefire, Magic Cylinder, Waboku, and Trap Hole are the traps you might not normally include.  Sakuretsu Armor and Solemn Judgement usually work wonders as well.  Usually, you leave out pre-negators and non-essentials like Nobleman of Crossout to make for extra room.

Bounce Kill Deck
This deck is a Hand Control with the element of returning cards to your opponents hand.  For that to work, Compulsary Evacuation Device and Ordeal of the Traveler are added, plus perhaps a Giant Trunade in a banned environment.  You generally run White Magical Hat, Don Zaloog, Spirit Reaper, all of the pre-negators, and Time Seal to stop card draw (Drop Off backfires too much as compared to Time Seal).  Be sure to include any equips you can (Mage Power, an Axe or two, UWS pre-ban) to boost those creatures.  Also, because of the light/dark element, a BLS-EOTB is never a bad addition either.

Beast Deck
I've seen these pop up online, and I love them.  You use Book of Moon to get any creatures you can into defense and shoot through with Enraged Battle Ox backing Berserk Gorilla and Mad Dog of Darkness.  King Tiger Wanghu stops random threats like scientist from turning up.  Spear Dragon is also a help when you don't have an Engraged handy.  The more flavorful (but less successful in my experience) runs 3 Nimble, a Des Koala or 2, and 2 Manticore of Darkness.  However, Manticore gets rid of too many cards in hand for my taste.  Another version I've seen uses Ojama Trio and Gyaku-Gire Panda to really put the hurt on.  You should always include 2 Nobleman of Crossout since a Beast deck usually runs 3 Book of Moon.  Tsukuyomi or Otohime are good choices, but you rarely have the room or the time to get their effects off.

Light Deck
Solar Ray gets quite useful with 3+ Light mosnters on the field.  With this deck, thats not too hard.  Shining Angel, DDWL, Soul of Purity and Light, Reflect Bounder, Zaborg, Thunder Nyan Nyan, and Solar Ray are essentials.  White Magical Hat's an average pick best left ot the sideboard.  Be sure to include Tribe to deal with threats and provide Soul of Puriy and Light bait and Shining Angel so you don't lose any of Solar Ray's count.

Instead of just burn/stall, this deck tries to get in as much damage as possible.  In addition to Stealth Bird, Solar Flare Dragon, Gravity Bind, Wave-Motion Cannon, and normal burn cards, this deck includes Servant of Catabolism, Drillago, and equips (including at lest one axe) to shot through to deal even more damage.  Waboku are necessary to defend your small guys, plus you can throw in Lava Golem (if you haven't already) to deal with multiple threats on the other side.  Mobius kills this deck so throw in Mask of Restrict.

Thats it for now.  See you all later!

Paul Reinhardt