brhoels Blue Eyes ultimate dragon tips
Brhoels tip on blue eyes ultimate dragon
Hello My name is brandon hoel and this is my second tip regarding blue eyes ultimate dragon news. If my last tip on building a sphinx deck helped you, i hope this helps you understand when the BEUD is relased.
now i know that everyone thinks that BEUD is coming in soul of the duelist all because they said that the strongest fusion monster in english will be released. But no BEUD is being released in january as a single promo card either in shonen jump, a duel masters guide, or a game. Check out tw.com because they are already selling selling them as a pre order. And if anyone wants to know what the fusion for soul of the duelist is, it is called the master of oz. A fusion of des kangaroo and big koala. it has 4200 atk. and 3700 def. and is a beast type.