Direct Damage Destructionists- THE PRO DECK!!!
Hi Duelists, Konami kinds of stinks! Banning all those wonderful cards.Shit! Any way, without those DD has become a RAWKIN' deck. Although some of u still play with Exodia or the Spirit Messages, DD trumps them all!
The basic DD cards
-Servant of Catabolism
-Jinzo No 7
-Any other DD, like the stinkbag of a Leghul
So, these are weaklings. NVM, just
So, this becomes an equip deck as well.
Without equips, weaklings are weaklings.
And without Harpie Feather Duster, Mst Restricted, BLAH BLAH, equips are ten  times more playable now.
The Best Equips around-Post Ban (IN no particular order)
-Mage Power
-Axe of Despair
-Horn of the Unicorn
-Shooting Star Bow- Ceal
-Twin Swords of Flashing light-Tryce
These are all you need.
7 Direct Attackers (Dark Preferably)
1 powerful 2000 attker.
3 Mystic Tomato
1 Sinister Serpent
1 Jinzo
-Everything in the favourite equip list in multiples of at least two
-Premature Burial
 3 Messenger of Peace
-1 or 2 Monster Removal
-1 Pot of Greed
1 Heavy Storm
1 Painful Choice
1 Change of Heart
-Magic Cylinder
3 Waboku
2 Robbin Goblin
3 Gravity Bind
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Torrential Tribute
This should be okay.
45 Cards
13 Monsters
11 Traps
21 Magics
Choose any five cards and toss them
or play it like that
or include another ten cards and make a side deck
Note that there are only a few expensive cards, so the newbie should be able to play and win with this.
This should be able to down your opponent in 10 turns if played right and timed to give the KO.
-Note: Make sure you have trap protection- A magic Cylinder would be deadly.
-Note: Do not summon everything at one go..... save save save
-Equip all equips to one monster or spread it out. Equip all to one when you have twin swords. Spread out in most other cases
-This is updated for the latest Japanese ban list, but it is also user friendly for Americans, I hope.

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Something Wrong???-Hope not
This is MOSTLY done by Android Psycho LK.
Thanks for viewing!!!!!